. . . individual CAD/CAM prosthetics ...
ICX-denta5®-<br /> Scanner & Software Package.
To the order form (PDF)

Our software offers you among other things:

All-inclusive - 6 software modules - one price!

ICX-denta5® CAD/CAM system

Complete system includes: Scanner, monitor, CAD software and PC

Our ICX-denta5 basic package for only € 17.900,- includes:

  • 3D fringe light scanner (incl. one object holder, one calibration model, three distance plates)
  • CAD software (including modules: Bar, Abutment, Crowns/ Bridges, Dental Library, Telescopes, Wax up, Veneers, Attachments).
  • implant library: medentic medical, Astra Tech, Friadent Xive and Nobel Active
  • PC/Monitor/Keyboard
  • System setup on site
  • One day basic training on site: introduction to the scanner software, introduction to the design software: crown/bridge module, abutment module, design sequence of a patient work.
    There are no additional costs for licenses and updates, because there is no update contract included in this package!

Service phone: 02643 902000-0 –