[dt_sc_one_third first]
[dt_sc_callout_box type=”type5″ button_text=”mehr” link=”#” target=”_self”]
You send us your models first. We scan and model.
[dt_sc_callout_box type=”type5″ button_text=”mehr” link=”#” target=”_self”]
You will receive a digital template, which you correct, confirm and approve online.
[dt_sc_callout_box type=”type5″ button_text=”mehr” link=”#” target=”_self”]
Afterwards the data released by you are manufactured by us.
[/dt_sc_callout_box][dt_sc_full_width first][dt_sc_hr_invisible /]
Prerequisites for model shipping:
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Model dispatch for crown/bridge constructions
- Model (any prepared die) must be sawed and residual dentition must be removable for circular scan acquisition
- Stumps must be untreated (without varnish)
- Silicone bite for antagonist control
- Temporary removable wax set-up advantageous for larger constructions
- Optimal preparation margin must be available Model shipping for implant constructions
- Master model with removable gingival mask must be present
- Silicone bite for antagonist control (if no wax up was supplied)
- Temporary removable wax-up in case of multiple abutments–> no ridge
- Model analogue shoulder must be free of plaster (for accurate fixing of the scanbody)
All construction orders are subject to a detailed completed order sheet with …
- Contact details (practice stamp, customer number)
- Patient name
- documentation provided
- brief explanation (abutment design, tooth shade for zirconium constructions, milling angle for telescopic constructions etc.)
… for the fastest possible processing of your work.